Terms and Conditions for Adult Dance Studio Members

1. Membership

1.1. Eligibility: Membership is available to adults aged 18 and above.

1.2. Enrollment: Membership begins upon completion of the enrollment process and receipt of the initial payment.

1.3. Monthly Membership: The membership offers unlimited classes for ballet and stretching.

2. Payment

2.1. Billing Cycle: Membership fees are billed monthly on the same calendar day each month as the initial enrollment date.

2.2. Payment Method: Payments are automatically charged to the payment method on file.

3. Class Scheduling

3.1. Class Availability: Classes are subject to availability and must be booked in advance.

3.2. Class Changes: The studio reserves the right to cancel or reschedule classes. Members will be notified of any changes in advance.

4. Cancellation Policy

4.1. Membership Cancellation Notice: Members must provide a cancellation notice at least 24 hours prior to the next payment date to avoid being charged for the upcoming month.

4.2. Membership Refund Policy: If cancellation is made within 2 days before the upcoming payment date, members are eligible for a full refund for that month's membership fee.

4.3. Membership Cancellation Process: Cancellations must be submitted in writing via email or through the studio's online membership portal.

4.4. Pay-Per-Class (including packages) Cancellation: For those paying per class, cancellations or rescheduling must be made at least 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund.

5. Studio Rules

5.1. Conduct: Members are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner while at the studio.

5.2. Personal Belongings: The studio is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings.

6. Health and Safety

6.1. Medical Clearance: Members should seek medical clearance from a healthcare professional before participating in any classes.

6.2. Injury and Liability Waiver: Members acknowledge and accept the risks associated with dance and stretching activities. The studio is not liable for any injuries sustained during classes. By participating, members agree to waive any claims against the studio for any injury or damage resulting from participation in studio activities.

7. Privacy

7.1. Personal Information: The studio collects and uses personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

7.2. Data Security: The studio implements appropriate measures to protect members' personal information.

7.3. Media Consent: By participating in classes, members consent to the studio taking photos or videos during classes. These images and videos may be used for promotional purposes on the studio’s social media channels.

8. Amendments

8.1. Changes to Terms: The studio reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Members will be notified of any changes.

By enrolling in the membership or participating in pay-per-class sessions, members acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions, including the liability waiver.